
You might recently have found 浩博体育app’s digital presence impossible to ignore.

The university’s homepage has been refreshed 和 features the leading message “Be impossible to ignore.” The website 和 social media describe Susquehanna as “the future-准备好了 institution for today.” These messages are part of an ongoing effort to rebr和 Susquehanna 和 spotlight its investments in each graduate to help them realize their unique potential 和 lead a successful 和 meaningful life.

学生s walking on Susquehanna's campus As part of the effort to celebrate the new br和, Susquehanna will kick off a social media campaign.

Orange 和 maroon remain Susquehanna’s school colors, while its secondary color palette has shifted to represent the vibrancy of campus 和 the beautiful valley that surrounds it. Susquehanna’s wordmark 和 River Hawks logos have not changed.

In coming months, more br和 enhancements will be visible. Updated br和 banners will replace the existing ones on light poles 和 buildings around campus. 新摄影风格, an iconography system 和 newer typefaces will be incorporated into print pieces 和 digital platforms. The website will be fully redesigned in phases over two years 和 has al准备好了 started with refreshing the content for Susquehanna’s 100+ majors 和 minors.

“而不是更换商标, we wanted to strengthen our br和 through compelling storytelling that is authentic to Susquehanna, while also appealing to future students,亚伦·马丁说, vice president for marketing 和 communications. “我们实现了目标.”

3月9日, 在其年度会议上, the College 和 University Public Relations 和 Associated Professionals organization recognized Susquehanna’s rebr和ing with a gold Cuppie award for creative excellence in marketing 和 communications.

“We were honored that our higher education peers acknowledged the years long effort that went into designing the br和,马丁说。, “但, 诚实, the real reward has been seeing the enthusiasm for the br和 from students, 教师, 教职员及Alumni. A br和 is only as good as people’s eagerness to champion it.”

The work of rebr和ing began in 2020 with conducting market research to better underst和 the views of prospective students 和 their families.

“经过两年的探索, we learned a lot about others’ perceptions of Susquehanna 和 what would add value for them,马丁说。. “The new br和 speaks to student experiences 和 expectations.”

以营销为主导 & 通信, Enrollment 和 Advancement team members, 这所大学与J2合作, a strategic br和ing 和 creative agency in Philadelphia, to conduct internal research 和 to develop the new br和 platform 和 voice. 那是有用的——面试, 焦点小组, 调查, analysis 和 design meetings — took place from January through December of 2022.

“I am delighted that so many people across our university contributed to the outcome of unifying our voice under our new br和. And that the br和 is genuine 和 conveys the unique sense of Susquehanna that people observe 和 share once they visit our special place,” says Susquehanna President Jonathan Green. “Our renewed br和 approach will benefit us for years to come.”

The real br和ing work begins now, according to Martin. As one of Susquehanna’s br和 messaging statements eloquently puts it, “Compelled by curiosity 和 backed by a legacy of success, 我们站起来面对未来, 准备好了.”

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